The personal rambling which I am sure has nothing to do with your life... Warning: reading may cause excessive boredom and/or lack of interest in any of the topics I talk about

Friday, October 17, 2003

Parent's Weekend

And the dining hall is the crowdiest thing I ever saw. At least I got there before the majority of other classes let out...

I'm thinking about putting up some of my rants. You know, stuff that I dont like or what I'm thinking when I'm in a bad mood (which is more often than you think) but If I do, they wont be here. I'll keep you posted.

I am just getting over a cold and I am to sing in a concert tonight. Hmm...If I don't hack up a lung singing "Lobet Gott in Seinen Reichen" I ought to do fine.

You see all those dates over there? The blog system id being dumb and putting it in daily archive mode instead of weekly. Well, there's my complaint for the dayo (More coming soon)

And this blog is all over the place...oh, WELL one more topic...

My midterm grades:

Recap: last year this time :

  • B range(English)
  • B range (Acting 1)
  • B-(Algebra 1)
  • C+(ish)(Physics)
  • C-(ish)(Spanish)

Now drum roll please:
English B
Spanish B
Geometry A
Chemistry A
History B
Acting 2 B+

How did that happen? I would like to think that it was luck, but I think I actually worked this term. Surprising.

Improv Update: Tickets are $5, October 23,24,25 at the PMAC Main Stage at Choate Rosemary Hall. If you're in the area, go there to see yours truly. You know you want to...
I will be playing in Party Quirks, Fairy Tale Shrinker, Crime Scene, and Say What?*

Remind me to explain these next entry.

*We haven't actually decided on a name for that game yet, it was originally call "ClapScene" but we don't want to sound like an STD

Well, I have Chem in 8 min. so i'll end this torture

There we go...