The personal rambling which I am sure has nothing to do with your life... Warning: reading may cause excessive boredom and/or lack of interest in any of the topics I talk about

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Bye Bart!

No he didn't die. My family is leaving on a vacation tomorrow. My mom's coworkers said that he can stay in the office. Hope they'll take good care of him.

Now that I have (die popup!) almost conquered the world of BlitzBasic I'm ready to move on to the big leagues. Now I only need to find out what the "big leagues" in game programming are. I was thinking about Visual Basic, and I also looked into some college programs. This might be a good career for me. You know, writing games, selling them, starting my own companies and *dollar signs flash in eyes* raking in millions. Do you think that's possible? Possibly...

I'm still working on some legalities for my games, so no! you can't see them.

Anyway (kills another popup) I waslooking in the bookstore (for C++ books and such) and I came upon a weird book. It was a "how to blog" book. I don't understand how people can not understand how to blog. You just type what you want to and publish(or save, if you are doing a manual-type blog)

Tuesday, July 22, 2003!

A third post! Wow this is truly ground breaking for me. I must be really bored. I must be...zzzzzzz.

I was gonna talk about something...but I forgot...Oh yeah my pet lizard!

His name is Bartholemew J. Gecko, or Bart for short. Please don't ask what the "J" is, I just thought it'd make him sound important.

He's a leopard gecko(I'll try to get a picture up.) and I've had him for a month and He doesn't like freeze dried crickets, only the ones that come in a can. I've only had him a month ad I haven't tried live crickets yet.

Y'know, I'm actually stalling until I can remember what I want to put up here. but you have to admit this is pretty fascinating! No? It isn't? Okay let me try something else...

So..uh...see any good ball games lately?

The ten-year-old with a goatee...

I'll get to that one soon. I just got home from volunteering, (yep, 2 entries in one day, how unbelieveable is that?) and a big crash is heard. maybe I shouldn't be on the computer during a thunderstorm, he thinks, but continues typing.

Anyway, did I ever tell you about the insane guy at the hospital? Well, maybe "insane" is a bit harsh, since it's a Veteran's Hospital and all. But still, he is kinda nutso. He watches TV(yep, that's what my volunteer work is, watching cartoons...I wish!) then suddenly he breaks into a loud cry of HELP ME! When I went to help him, he started talking about random things. Never needed help at all. Confusing. Must be even more so for him.

Well, the Red Cross in the city i live in came to pick me up, along with some others. Well, we passed a sign for Penthouse Botique(sp)(you can guess what that is...) Suddenly, a girl in the car put the number for the place on her cell. They're hiring. I don't think they'll let a 15 yr old girl work for them(unless they are REALLY in need of something...) Wierd.

But not as wierd as *da-da-da-DA!* the ten-year-old with a goatee. He probably older now, but I heard that he's annoying and he had a goatee at ten. Freaky. If I had a goatee by ten, I'd probably shave it. I'm picturing a kid with a goatee, then at 15 he has a beard the size of Gandalfs(just not as grey\white, depending on which movie you speak of)

Well off to watch more cartoons(Mmmm....cartoons....Simpsons...)


Ah well... I'm about to go volunteer at a hospital in about a half-hour. Every Tuesday I go work for 6 hours so I can fill my requirement for 30 hours of Community Service before I graduate from high school. So i'll be off in a short while, and in the meantime, I find that the best dial connection is achieved either post-9pm or Pre-8am.

Also for breakfast: a cup of Sprite (part of the non-balanced breakfast)
First Thing I watch on TV: The ending to The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring(The part where Boromir dies after fighting with three trunk-sized arrows in his chest)

Wouldn't it be funny If Elrond said some of Agent Smith's(The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded) lines?
(Since both characters are played by Hugo Weaving and all)

Elrond: Hear that Mr. Baggins? It is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your death. Goodbye Mr. Baggins.
Frodo: My Underhill...

Frodo beats the crap out of Elrond

Just picture that okay?