The personal rambling which I am sure has nothing to do with your life... Warning: reading may cause excessive boredom and/or lack of interest in any of the topics I talk about

Friday, September 26, 2003

The TV is here!

Yes! Some people are filming something here and as I am writing this am I watching them film. I guy I know, Max Sinsteden, is an extra in the scene, and who knows? Maybe I'll might be in the side of the picture somewhere... ~_^ (I always wanted to try that...) Well, it seems like thy're done and ready to move to their next location. Also, RV told the us Chorus peoples that people would be filming our rehearsal. Maybe its the same people. Hmmm...will have to wait till next Tues. for that...

Well, the ring thing should be here soon, I just got an email confirming the order.

Oh yeah I completely forgot, I found the Very Secret Diaries of the Lord of the Rings Characters(thanks go to Sarah and Lis). It is v. funny and I was told to read them in order, so I implore you to do the same.

Well, off to watch the people film 'n' stuff.

"I thought blowing the horn of Gondor summoned the armies of the west?"

...You'll see what that means...

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Found something interesting...

This is going to be the whole post. Can you guess what it is?

Tres anillos para elven a reyes debajo del cielo
Siete para los señores enanos en sus pasillos de la piedra
Nueve para los hombres mortales condenados para morir
Uno para el señor oscuro en su trono oscuro
En la tierra de Mordor en donde mienten las sombras Un anillo para gobernarlos el
Un anillo para encontrarlos
Un anillo para traerlos todos
Y en la oscuridad los ata
En la tierra de Mordor en donde mienten las sombras.