The personal rambling which I am sure has nothing to do with your life... Warning: reading may cause excessive boredom and/or lack of interest in any of the topics I talk about

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Downloadloaded the Google toolbar

And I'm using BlogThis now. It's very convenient, I must say. You can blog from anywhere on the world wide web... It's great!

Anyway, this is today's daily entry, there might be another seeing as it is only the middle of the day and I dont have any philosophical thoughts right If you don't like the quality of this entry...Tough.

Blogging/Journaling for the public eye (no matter how small that eye may be...) is tough. I want to write about stuff, but I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I almost have to censor myself...wierd isn't it?

But i do that alot anyways. I bet you do too. You probably don't call it "censoring youself" but maybe you might hear it as "putting on a mask" or "::some other saying that means you aren't saying/acting/being what you really mean goes here::" Some see this as a bad thing, but If people really did show they're (warning: cliche coming...) "true colors" then they'd be either:

  1. Be happy that they got it off of their chest

  2. Be sad/angry/feel a negative emotion because they didn't get the response they wanted

So censoring oneself can be beneficial not only to themselves, but to those around them. Heck, I do it all the time, with no one none the wiser......hehe....
(holy crap! I actually thought about something!)

Coming out of that sinister moment...I command you to...(ok, so it's more of a suggestion...)

  • Make sure that these last days of summer are good ones or...

  • Or if you're already in school, I only have one thing to say...(a la "Nelson" from The Simpsons)HA-HA!

If you have time...Try and find the Star Wars Gansta Rap in the Internet. I used to watch it on Atom Films and I just checked and it's not there anymore. I'll put up a link when I find it.
It's funny. What's next? Darth Vader changes his name to D. Viddy?
Only time will tell...

Friday, August 29, 2003

Ok, here is the actual post for today...

Yeah last time i was just filling time... now here's the real kicker...

For me, the last day of summer is tomorrow, unlike my fellow sophomores, which their last day is Sptember 5th. Why does my summer end so early(I really shouldn't complain. When I was down in georgia, I learned that they start school in the beginning of August, and I read that in other countries, the hardly have a summer break. I'm just not used to the summer ending so early...)? I'll tell you.

Toward the end of my freshman year (this spring) I signed up to be an RTA(Resident Technology Assisant) because I had an interest in computers, and from what I understood, I would gain experience in networking, troubleshooting, and other stuff like that. A select few were chosen, and, guess what, I was one of them.

I knew I was going to comeback early, for traing in the above catergories, I just never thought that the summer would pass so fast...what with learning Javascript, a bit of CSS, Blitz Basic, and how to use Macromedia Flash MX, along with volunteering at the local VA Hospital once a week (Tues.) and working at my school two days a week(Mon. and Wed.), mornings only.

I do feel I'm ready for the challenges of school. Spanish is reviewed, Summer Reading is read, looked over notes from last year. looking into costs of books for the coming year. But I also want part of the summer (The part where i'm making websites, programming games, and watching Fresh Prince

Ah well, summer's going to leave and the school year's going to come whether I want it to or not. Guess that means nothing I say here is going to stop the seasons from changing (or time for that matter) I wonder why I would have bothered to type anything at all... Was bored I guess...I do things I don't do normally when i'm bored...And I dont normally talk/type this much on one subject

One last thing, I want you (yes you) to read/watch Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers It is a good movie and I am going to try and read the book along with all of my other upcoming studies.

And, watch "Sonic X" Sonic the Hedgehog is one of my favorite comics/video games. So Watch it. Sadly, I can't watch it because first day of classes is that Saturday (Spet 6th) and they're haveing a preview this coming Sunday at 7pm but my RTA training starts Sunday at 7pm...bummer...

Dang! My neck hurts after all that typing...

Well, it's official...

I'm broke... all I have is $5 and I must hold on! I can't give up now! What am I saying? I don't know!
And then you wonder, who invented money? Well, I'm taking World History in a week or so, I'll find out soon enough.

Well, I have finally decided on a topic, ramblings about The Matrix/LOTR/Star Wars/other movies that I can ramble about and you have to listen to me... (Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!)

First, I will tackle the intricate intricacies(sp) of

The Matrix click here to see the REAL Matrix Essays
First, I would have to ask something of Morpheus(or whoever is in charge_, and I'm pretty sure you're wondering it too: "If the perple in the Matrix are content in their world, even though it's digital, why would they want to 'cross over' into the 'real world'?"
If you think about it, would you rather be living here, in spite of all the fallacies of the people here (i.e. crime,war,etc.) or would you want to live in underground caverns, or in "The desert of the real." I understand that the people are being fooled into servitude for the robots/AI, but if they're, relatively content, let sleeping dogs lie.

Also, I don't know where I was going with this, so I'll just leave this be...

Honestly, nothing exciting has happened that I want to write about (yet, it's only 1pm a lot can happen in 8-10 hours) and I've succumbed to writeing about a fictional, (although very well made) movie. There's nothing wrong with that (some make a living out of it) but I'm just filling empty space... so...

Did I tell you I'm broke? Please send money/arcade tokens/birthday gifts/Cinnamon Toast Crunch! (Mmmmm...cereal...)

(Still tries to think of something...thinks of something and decided to pu it in the next blog...)

Thursday, August 28, 2003


I redid this entire page (whew!) it looks better than is old counterpart, here (the link might be broken Update:The link IS broken, so don't try it unless you have a fancy for error messages...). I am proud of my self. I also promise that I will try to update this on a bi-daily basis. (like that's gonna happen)

Nothing more to talk about...

Well, the Simpsons are on, gotta go!

(that was a short entry...)

Summer's almost over...


Yesterday I saw The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers For the second time (first time being in theaters). It was a good movie, but it seems rather harsh to have kids (Frodo and Sam) hold the fate of Middle-Earth. If someone told me that I had to destroy the ring and they told me what was going to happen, I would say "No, way, Jose" (or whoever i was talking to, not necisarily Jose) BUt the whole story was good. I hadn't read the book (I read The Hobbit The Fellowship of the Ring and I'm about to read Return of the king but The Two Towers was the only one that I haven't read (Figures) Good Movie, though.

I'm reviewing Spanish, now, so I don't do completely horibble when I go back to school in a week.
And I have a website up... Check it out! Please?

Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky;
Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone;
Nine for mortal men, doomed to die;
One for the Dark Lord on his Dark Throne,
In the land of Mordor, where the Shadows Lie.
One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them
one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them

In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie

Good poem, Good poem...(I'm pretty sure that's how it goes...)