The personal rambling which I am sure has nothing to do with your life... Warning: reading may cause excessive boredom and/or lack of interest in any of the topics I talk about

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Haha! Alley shwet vi mon almi!

and that means absolutely nothing! Its Thursday and thanks for tuning in.
I mad a new game called Blitz Invaderz (scroll to the bottom of the page to download.) I think it is really cool. Email me your thoughts about the game.

Well, I'm wearing the ring now, and I think I just aced my geometry test! Maybe it's a good luck charm...nahhhh

Well, as far as the TV thing goes, it was a seperate thing just for the Arts department to send to Alumni so the arts could get more money. I was in it 3 times (Acting class, Improv, and Chorus) And I was interviewed during Chorus. The movie's only going to be about 14 min. long and they have about 8 hours of footage. It's very possible that I'll end up on the cutting room floor :-( Well, off to more pressing matters and stuff...

I only have one today...

Downlad my game!

Have fun, live long, and prosper...wait, no that's not it...